

TNS International

In recent years, TNS grew immensely. 10 years ago, we had around 500 members world-wide, today we have that number of members outside the US alone (in addition to the about 1250 members in the US). So there is some interest in local meetings around the world, in members interacting - and in doing so in the local language, of course.

The organisation of TNS is very non-hierarchical, so there are no country chapters, but we do have local volunteers. If you are a member and want to know what sort of TNS action goes on nearby, or whether local meetings are planned, or if you're interested in becoming a member and you're not sure what to expect, seek out the local volunteer from your country in the list below and contact them.

Please scroll down for local volunteers from:


Isaac Brisco nacido en Corrientes, actualmente se encuentra viviendo en Buenos Aires. Médico residente de cirugía (por el momento) y programador ocasional, forma parte de TNS desde 2018.
Conciente de la poca información y conocimiento general en la región sobre grupos de alto IQ, se encuentra a disposición de quienes tengan curiosidad sobre TNS o sobre cómo aplicar desde este país.
No se dejen intimidar por la acumulación de títulos de otros miembros, no son requisito para el ingreso. Aunque sea muy común y parezca inevitable, dado que la verdadera característica que todos comparten es la curiosidad por múltiples campos del conocimiento.
Pueden contactarlo en

[email protected]



Local volunteer


G’day, my name is Tony and I live in Sydney Australia.
I’ve been a Triple Nine member for some time now. I was an intelligence officer and a data scientist when I worked, but now I am trying to be retired. I am married and have two children, who could join Triple Nine, if they accepted children. My interests are wide ranging into almost everything, and I would love to say G’day if you have any questions, or you are travelling this way.

[email protected]



Local volunteer


Se você chegou até esta página, deve estar curioso sobre o que poderá encontrar na Triple Nine. Eu encontrei pessoas excepcionais e que, de maneira imprevista, tiveram grande influência no curso da minha vida profissional e pessoal desde 2012.
Por diversas que sejam as histórias e culturas de todos nós por aqui, é inegável a sensação de estar entre velhos amigos quando estamos juntos. Se você quiser conversar em português e se informar sobre a nossa Sociedade no Brasil, não hesite em me escrever. Apenas escreva ou deixe o seu telefone que poderei telefonar de volta se for do seu agrado.

[email protected]



Local volunteer

Canada (French)

Comme pour plusieurs, joindre la Triple Nine a fait partie de ma quête pour tenter de comprendre ce qui me différencie et ce qui me ressemble. Je suis heureuse d'avoir découvert une communauté accueillante, généreuse et colorée qui stimule mes réflexions. Connectez-vous! Qui sait comment une rencontre virtuelle ou réelle pourrait vous inspirer et surtout, qui sait comment vous pourriez aussi inspirer cette communauté.
Au plaisir de faire votre connaissance

[email protected]



Local volunteer


Mit navn er Kjeld Danneskiold-Samsøe og jeg bor I København. Jeg arbejder med IT (overraskelse) og jeg har været medlem af både Mensa og TNS siden 2010. Mit mål - som lokal TNS frivillig - er at forøge antallet af TNS-medlemmer i Danmark (og resten af Skandinavien) og forhåbentlig også lave nogle lokale TNS-møder og arrangementer.
TNS er en vigtig del af mit liv - jeg har faktisk et TNS logo tatoveret på min højre skulder - og jeg er altid glad for at kunne byde nye medlemmer velkommen i Foreningen. Mit primære mål i forbindelse med rekruttering er medlemmer i Mensa. I det netværk jeg har i Mensa, er der adskillige gode kandidater til TNS. Udfordringen er at overbevise dem om, at TNS - selv om der er mange lighedspunkter - ER forskellig fra Mensa.
Når TNS medlemmer fra andre lande besøger Danmark, skal de ikke tøve med at kontakte mig. Jeg kan fortælle dem, hvad der er værd at se, eller hjælpe med praktiske ting, og vi kan måske også spise en hyggelig frokost eller middag sammen.

[email protected]



Local volunteer


Je m’appelle Estelle et je suis passionnée par toutes sortes de choses, mais pas toujours très fidèle à mes passions : je jongle entre jardinage, flûte traversière, couture, tricot, cuisine, escalade etc. Les seuls domaines dont je ne me lasse jamais sont l’enseignement et la course de fond… Pourvu que ça dure !
Je suis membre de TNS depuis 2015 et je vis en Île-de-France, ce qui me permet de participer régulièrement aux rencontres mensuelles qui se déroulent à Paris. J’y ai découvert des personnes très intéressantes avec lesquelles je peux me comporter de façon naturelle, sans devoir me conformer aux codes souvent rigides qui régissent les relations dans d’autres cercles (familial, professionnel, sportif…). Les sujets de conversation sont toujours passionnants, parfois inhabituels (ou même loufoques). Chaque membre est singulier, et c’est de mon point de vue ce qui fait la richesse de notre association.
Mais la vie de TNS en France ne s’arrête pas à la région parisienne ! De nombreuses conversations virtuelles en français se déroulent régulièrement (par liste de discussion et/ou sur un groupe Facebook, selon les préférences de chacun). Depuis peu (2020), des échanges mensuels en visioconférence rassemblent les francophones qui le souhaitent, toujours dans une atmosphère d’écoute, de tolérance et de bienveillance.
N’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre !

[email protected]


Local volunteer

GCC - Arabian Peninsula

Howdy. السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ. Sam Waltz is a western expat who has spent most of a decade living in the Gulf Cooperative Council region (GCC: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE), and spends most of (too much of?) his free time travelling the world attending HIQ gatherings. He first joined TNS in 2005, and is now proud to be a life member.
If you're interested in joining TNS or learning more about the group, please email [email protected] Also, if you're already a member and are living in the region, please get in touch!

[email protected]



Local volunteer


Mein Name ist Werner Konik und ich lebe in Heidelberg. Nach über 30 Jahren Karriere im IT geniesse ich meinen Ruhestand mit verschiedensten Aktivitäten. Als life-member bei TNS habe ich schon an vielen TNS-Treffen teilgenommen — Supersache. Auf Facebook bin ich ebenfalls recht aktiv. Wer also hier in Deutschland sein (TNS)-Leben weiter bereichern will, kann sich gern bei mir melden. Und wer mal TNS persönlich erleben will, kann sich bei mir melden, um Mitgliedschaft zu organisieren oder mehr zu erfahren. Ich höre immer wieder, wie Mitglieder und Gäste die gemeinsame Zeit mit Gleichgesinnten genießen — Ich freue mich also auf Euch und Euren Kontakt.
Bis bald mal.

[email protected]


Local volunteer


Mijn naam is Mirja Post. In 2018 werd ik lid van Triple Nine Society na het lezen van een artikeltje in het maandelijkse Mensabulletin over Triple Nine en de “zeer hoogbegaafden” (ca. 145+) van de hand van Noks Nauta. Tot mijn verrassing waren de beschreven kenmerken nogal herkenbaar. Ik besloot om toch maar eens een extra test te doen, waarna ik lid bleek te kunnen worden. En daarmee vielen er een hoop puzzelstukjes op hun plek.
Uit nieuwsgierigheid bezocht ik de jaarlijkse Europese bijeenkomst. Wat zich daar liet aantreffen was een divers gezelschap van leden met de meest uiteenlopende achtergronden (jong, oud, met een uitgebreide of juist geen opleiding, enz.) en hun meegebrachte gasten, zoals vrienden, familie en collega’s. De sfeer was open, informeel, geestig en vooral tolerant en ontspannen. Rondscharrelen in een groep onbekenden was voor mij eigenlijk niet eerder zo plezierig en makkelijk. Het wederzijds begrip was er gewoon. Sindsdien probeer ik naar elke jaarlijkse bijeenkomst te gaan, steeds in een andere Europese stad.
Over mij: ik ben opgegroeid in Amsterdam, waar ik filosofie studeerde. Daarnaast studeerde ik oa architectuur en archeologie en bracht enige jaren in het buitenland door. Verder ben ik lid van Mensa Nederland.
Voor vragen over Triple Nine Society en het lidmaatschap: aarzel niet en stuur een mail. We verwelkomen graag nieuwe leden!

[email protected]


Local volunteer

New Zealand

Hi, I'm Bill. I've been in TNS for several years. I haven't been able to get to the conferences, the ggg999 or egg999, since New Zealand is a bit far away. That's alright, because there are ways to get involved remotely: the Facebook and LinkedIn groups, and through the newsletter, Vidya. The discussions are interesting (and challenging), as well as entertaining.
I'm an economics consultant based in Wellington. A lot of my work is in agriculture and natural resources, such as modelling farmer behaviour and analysing the value of agricultural research. As is common in TNS, I have other interests, too. I do research on psychoanalytic and critical theory, play a few instruments, try to garden, and do a bit of martial arts. Of course, I'm also interested in intelligence, HIQ people, giftedness, and so on.
Originally from the US, I've lived in NZ for years. I do travel around the country a bit, so I'm happy to meet up outside of Wellington, too.

[email protected]



Local volunteer


Yes, we know that Scandinavia is not a country by itself. After all, with local volunteers from Denmark and Sweden, we feel that we are well represented up there and do have some local knowledge.
But we wanted to give a friendly nod to other Scandinavians in the membership - to this end we define "Scandinavia" to contain Norway and Sweden obviously, but also Finland and Denmark and even Iceland and the Faroe Islands. In order to not create international entanglements, we don't even mention the Shetlands here.
Simply spoken, if you're from Denmark or Sweden, you could contact the local volunteers directly, but if you prefer to contact them both at the same time, you can use the address below.

[email protected]


Jag är en frilans skribent och redaktör som bor straks utanför Hässleholm. Jag har varit med i TNS några år och sätter särskild pris på möjligheten för at interagera med mycket inspirerande människor med olika bakgrund ifrån hela världen. Jag har hittat några riktigt goda "lekkamrater" i detta sammanhang. Kontakt mej om du har frågor angående medlemskap. Jag pratar danska, svenske, norsk, engelska och lite tysk.

[email protected]


Local volunteer


Wir haben ja bereits einen ausgesprochen emsigen Local Volunteer, der den deutschsprachigen Raum bearbeitet und sogar zwei Volunteers für den französischsprachigen Raum — da braucht's nicht unbedingt noch einen Extra-Schweizer. Würde man denken.
Mais nous savons tous que la vie n'est pas toujours rationnelle, alors je me suis mis ici comme volontaire pour la Suisse.
Purtroppo, però, non parlo italiano — ma se sei un interessato ticinese, sono sicuro che troveremo un modo per comunicare! Se solo su DeepL....
At any rate, I'll continue in English, a Swiss tradition. I live near Lucerne, have been active in TNS for longer than I can remember and whatever you need to know about TNS in Switzerland, just contact me.

[email protected]


Local volunteer

United Kingdom

If you're in the UK and you want to know more about what TNS has to offer, you should email Tom Chantler at [email protected]. Tom has been a member of TNS since early 2013 and was elected Member-at-Large and appointed Information Officer in 2016. He is a freelance consultant who lives in the south of England and he specialises in information security, solution architecture and solving interesting problems, usually involving computers. You can find out more than you want to know about him by starting at:

[email protected]


Local volunteer

USA - Midwest

Bryan is as warm as his greeting on the TNS-page: "I want to be one who welcomes and makes you comfortable." He is a retired Michigan automation engineer who presents at ggg999 gatherings and writes Vidya articles about Triple Nine people and events.
Email Bryan at [email protected] for your own personal welcome and conversation about our interesting group.
Go in peace.

[email protected]


Local volunteer

Why the Triple Nine Society?

If you read our constitution, even just the first paragraph, you will see that we are founded on certain principles having mostly to do with building a strong community. 
Join us today. We want to meet you!

What's New in TNS?

From time to time, we provide information on news and latest developments in TNS on the society's Facebook page.

TNS Online

Visit us at FaceBook, Twitter, and Linked-In.
Members see even more, so join us today!

We have some great, always-busy discussions happening in our FaceBook and Yahoo! groups.

What Members Say

TNS is just a great place to relax and chat.
Anonymous Member

© 2025 Triple Nine Society