
Testing Outside US and Canada

If all your questions are not answered on this page, please send a message to [email protected].

Where to take TNS-qualifying tests if you live outside the US and Canada

 (Approximate estimated prices in US Dollars in ascending order of least- to mgmaost-expensive, are listed here according to information provided by test vendors.  TNS does not set any of these prices and is not responsible for inaccuracies in any of the estimated prices provided below.)

The following German language test is readily available in Germany 

Psychologist-administered (pricing per administering Psychologist): HAWIE-R

The HAWIE-R is individually administered through Licensed Psychologists (similar to the WAIS, see below) and may also be available in other German-speaking countries).

The following tests all have, to TNS's best knowledge, substantial content dependent on English proficiency; the ACT also requires Math proficiency:

ACT (~$40):
Go to 

Miller Analogies Test (~$50 to ~$130 depending on test center):  
Go to

LSAT (~$175):  
Go to

The following tests, to TNS's best knowledge, are "Culture Fair" and not significantly dependent on Language or Math proficiency:

Cattell CFT-20R: (TNS does not have any pricing information)

Licensed Psychologists administer this test, TNS has qualified members from Europe based on CFT-20R, and we believe it's likely available elsewhere too.

Cattell-IIIB:  (varies widely, may range from $50 to $250 or more):

Licensed Psychologists may administer this test; you must research this on your own.

Many International Mensa organizations use this test for qualification, but most utilize a scale with a maximum score of 161 which TNS doesn't accept and some refuse to document for their Members what score the member achieved (which information TNS requires); you must research with your local Mensa chapter and ask [1] whether they use Cattell-IIIB and, [2] if so, whether their maximum score on it is at least 173 rather than 161, and [3] if so, whether they will provide you with a document showing the score you received (as opposed to merely a document stating you scored above the 98th or 99th percentile.

Psychologist-Administered Tests:

WAIS and Stanford-Binet must be administered by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist or other specially licensed professional, and therefore tend to be quite costly; TNS has qualified Applicants with WAIS score reports in a wide variety of languages from many countries; we leave it to you to research availability where you live and in your language.  

Note:  All WAIS and Stanford-Binet Reports must be on the testing Licensed Professional's letterhead and must have the signature of the testing Licensed Professional; a mere "score sheet" or a test administered by a psychology student without the supervising Psychologist's signature attesting to its validity is unacceptable.

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