

Every individual will define friendship slightly differently but what members of TNS notice is that we respect each other. Members tend to develop their own feelings and bonds with being part of this unique group. Discussion groups are not above the occasional quarrel about politics, arguments about a latest hot-topic or complaints about this or that. However, we have managed to keep an atmosphere of friendly and respectful intellectual exchange.

Many members have taken to try to meet up with local members when traveling abroad – and this, like joining one of the European or North American Meetings or the rare Local Gatherings, seems to be a very good idea.

Why the Triple Nine Society?

If you read our constitution, even just the first paragraph, you will see that we are founded on certain principles having mostly to do with building a strong community. 
Join us today. We want to meet you!

What's New in TNS?

From time to time, we provide information on news and latest developments in TNS on the society's Facebook page.

TNS Online

Visit us at FaceBook, Twitter, and Linked-In.
Members see even more, so join us today!

We have some great, always-busy discussions happening in our FaceBook and Yahoo! groups.

What Members Say

TNS is just a great place to relax and chat.
Anonymous Member

© 2025 Triple Nine Society