
Discussion Groups

Since 1978 TNS members have been communicating with each other. The internet has allowed us to place our quill-pens and ink-bottles into storage. Today the TNS internet venues are popular and active. Looking back we can see that the “old times” of communication were slow and inadequate to our needs.

About half of our membership has joined one our many venues, with groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and Xing as well as mailing lists on Yahoo!Groups. Conversation meanders between the thoughtful and personal, the hilarious, the nonsensical, the scientific and back to the personal.

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Why the Triple Nine Society?

If you read our constitution, even just the first paragraph, you will see that we are founded on certain principles having mostly to do with building a strong community. 
Join us today. We want to meet you!

What's New in TNS?

From time to time, we provide information on news and latest developments in TNS on the society's Facebook page.

TNS Online

Visit us at FaceBook, Twitter, and Linked-In.
Members see even more, so join us today!

We have some great, always-busy discussions happening in our FaceBook and Yahoo! groups.

What Members Say

TNS is just a great place to relax and chat.
Anonymous Member

© 2025 Triple Nine Society