
General Instructions

If all your questions are not answered on this page, please send a message to [email protected].

To join the Triple Nine Society, please follow the steps below:

  1. Determine whether you qualify for admission
    • Before applying, please make sure you can provide an official score report documenting your qualifying score on one of the tests listed in this Test Scores table.
    • Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Former members

    If you are a former member re-joining TNS, simply follow the instructions in this PDF: How To Rejoin TNS.
  3. Apply for membership
    • Complete the online membership application form.
    • Print out the final screen using the "Print Form" button at the bottom. (The website is currently experiencing some technical issues, if the "Print" button will not work for you, please make a screenshot of your application form and print it instead.)
    • Sign the printed and completed form.
    • Email a scan or photo of your application form and score report to: [email protected].
    Our Membership Officer is a volunteer who will review your application. We strive to verify your eligibility within two weeks, but the volume of applicants and the Membership Officer’s life circumstances may cause delays. We thank you for your patience.

    You will be notified by email when your admission process will begin. You may send documentation of your test score in any language. If we have difficulty reading the results, we will contact you.

    You can also check your application status by logging in to this website and looking at the main menu. If you can see "Dues", your application has been approved, and you can now make your first dues payment.


  4. Make your first dues payment

    Traditionally, TNS’s membership dues are not paid per year, but per number of Vidya issues (Vidya being our journal). This made a lot of sense when Vidya was only distributed in print and was the major cost factor.

    Today, with Vidya being out regularly every two months, and often read as PDF, the dues below are essentially annual dues in all but name.

    You have the choice between:

    • Print Vidya, USD 30.00
      Members who choose this category will receive a hard-copy version of Vidya delivered to their mailing address and will have online access to current and previous Vidya.
    • Internet Vidya, USD 10.00
      Members who choose this category will not receive a hard-copy version of Vidya, but will have online access to current and previous Vidya.

    No matter which you sign up for, you are entitled to all the benefits of membership.

    The fine print: The period covered by the dues payment is defined as 12 issue numbers of Vidya, with each issue being defined as a double issue, holding two issue numbers.

    To pay by bank card or PayPal, use the Membership Store (see below).

    To pay by mail, send a check or money order in U.S. funds payable to “Triple Nine Society” to:

    Triple Nine Society
    c/o David Auernheimer
    PO Box 86760
    Phoenix, AZ 85080

    Please include your applicant number (generated by the application form) with your payment.
    Also, please allow 2-3 weeks for your payment to be processed, after which you will be notified by e-mail that you have been granted members-only access to the Triple Nine Society website.

  5. The Membership Store and Members-Only Resources

    Once you have been approved for membership in The Triple Nine Society, you can login here using the link in the upper-right corner of any page. Use the email address and password you entered in the application process.

    This will give you access to the Membership Store. In the Membership Store, you can use your credit card or PayPal to pay for your initial dues. As soon as the dues payment is processed, your membership will be upgraded to full, active Member. As an active Member, you can also pay pending dues anytime, buy a lifetime membership, upgrade from internet-only to print Vidya, and buy membership pins and certificates.

    This is the fastest way to activate your membership once you have been approved (because it is the fastest way for us to process your initial dues). It happens within a few minutes.

    Once your initial dues have been processed, you will need to logout, then login again, to see the full variety of members-only content. This is because we use a VERY paranoid security system.

Why the Triple Nine Society?

If you read our constitution, even just the first paragraph, you will see that we are founded on certain principles having mostly to do with building a strong community. 
Join us today. We want to meet you!

What's New in TNS?

From time to time, we provide information on news and latest developments in TNS on the society's Facebook page.

TNS Online

Visit us at FaceBook, Twitter, and Linked-In.
Members see even more, so join us today!

We have some great, always-busy discussions happening in our FaceBook and Yahoo! groups.

What Members Say

TNS is just a great place to relax and chat.
Anonymous Member

© 2025 Triple Nine Society