

Looking for the latest Vidya issue?

You can find it together with all preceding issues in the Vidya Archive.

Vidya started as a few sheets of paper mailed to members in 1978, and has been the glue and the duct tape that holds TNS together ever since. It was a practical means for members to exchange thoughts and to communicate in those first decades. Today, Vidya is a formal journal published six times per year. It often exceeds 50 pages in length and features well written articles, photographs, stories, poems, puzzles and announcements.

Most members access Vidya online as a PDF. For an extra-cost, you can have a nicely printed version arrive in your mailbox. The extra cost is $20 per year, which about covers the cost of printing and mailing.

What's in it?

Vidya content is exclusively provided by members. There are personal stories and experiences, semi-scientific articles, puzzles, pictures, poems, news about the society – and everything in-between. Below are some articles that will hopefully give you an impression of the diversity you can expect in TNS.


On Being Invisible: The Highly Gifted Child

On Being Invisible: The Highly Gifted Child

Often, people (and especially children) with a really high IQ are being considered socially awkward. But, as Muriel Fraser describes, what is considered socially awkward is often an expression of not fitting into one's age group or interest group rather than not fitting into a social group at all.
Bowling Balls and Binary Switches

Bowling Balls and Binary Switches

Andrew York well known to the world as an excellent (and Grammy-winning) guitarist/composer does explore his love of math and science every now and then - and did so for Vidya...
Near Miss

Near Miss

Former RAF pilot Bob Griffiths dislikes the De Havilland Sea Venom. Here's why.
Reflections of a Registered Subversive

Reflections of a Registered Subversive

Bill Matson, co-author of Data-Driven Investing, on thinking differently when investing money.
Understanding the Flynn Effect

Understanding the Flynn Effect

Bob Williams examines the Flynn Effect in detail - this article is a must-read for those who think they know but often don't.
I Could Have Designed That

I Could Have Designed That

Bryan Lundgren is into hypermiling. Here's his story.
A Fairy Tale

A Fairy Tale

Gill Krebs tells about the joys of selling a Porsche.
Catching the Panther

Catching the Panther

Some people think they own a perfect motorcycle. Some people know that they own the perfected motorcycle. To join the latter, Thorsten Heitzmann caught a Panther.

Why the Triple Nine Society?

If you read our constitution, even just the first paragraph, you will see that we are founded on certain principles having mostly to do with building a strong community. 
Join us today. We want to meet you!

What's New in TNS?

From time to time, we provide information on news and latest developments in TNS on the society's Facebook page.

TNS Online

Visit us at FaceBook, Twitter, and Linked-In.
Members see even more, so join us today!

We have some great, always-busy discussions happening in our FaceBook and Yahoo! groups.

What Members Say

TNS is just a great place to relax and chat.
Anonymous Member

© 2025 Triple Nine Society